50 Icebreaker Questions For Every Occasion
Icebreaker Questions from Party Qs - by the way, you can get more free questions like this in the Party Qs app!
What’s your favorite and least favorite TV show?
What do you like doing more with people: physical activity or interesting conversation?
What podcast are you enjoying right now?
What is an interesting fact about where you grew up?
What are two words your friends would use to describe you?
What was one of your favorite dining experiences?
Favorite childhood snack?
What apps are in your phone’s quick access bar?
Which celebrity do you admire and why?
Are you a morning person or night person?
Do you gain more energy by traveling or being home?
What was your best subject in school?
If you had unlimited funds to create a documentary, what would it be about?
What is a favorite memory with your best friend?
Does your family have any holiday traditions? If so, what are they?
What is a secret talent of yours that most people don't know about?
If you created a successful restaurant brand, what would it be known for?
What is your favorite city?
Beach, mountains, or lakes?
Best purchase under $1,000?
What topic could you talk about for 20 minutes nonstop without preparation?
What are you terrible at but enjoy enough to keep doing?
What book had an impact on your life?
How do you like to get your news?
What clothing store are you most likely to be found in?
What do you like most about your job?
What's one thing you learned from your mother?
What's one thing you learned from your father?
Book that changed your life?
Favorite store in the mall?
Best animated film?
Favorite Disney character?
What is the worst injury you've experienced?
Best accomplishment at work?
Do you have any tattoos? If so, what do they mean?
Would you describe yourself more as ambitious or content?
Would you rather have a new car or a new house?
Are you more frugal or lavish?
On a scale from 1 to 10, how open are you with people you just met?
What quality do you respect most in people?
How are you creative?
In what way do you push yourself?
What is the most interesting place you've traveled to?
What was your fondest memory of high school?
If you could have lunch with a famous person, who would you choose?
How would you describe your sense of humor?
What do you value more: spontaneity or stability?
Are you more of a saver or spender?
How are you different from your siblings?
What's the best present you've ever received or given?