The Most Common Questions on Date Nights [Data]

a couple's hands holding coffee together on a date

“The key to self-confidence is preparation.”

- Arthur Ashe

Date nights can be nerve-wracking. Whether it’s your first date, a blind date, a double date, a group date, or your 100th date, you want it to go well for you and your date.

What does a great date night look like? While it’s true everyone is different, both people likely want to feel closer to each other, feel more known by the other, and deepen their connection.

One of the ways to achieve a successful date night like this is to ask great questions — ones that strike a balance: You don’t want to be too probing but you also don’t want to be too surface-level.

You don’t want to be cheesy, but you don’t want it to get gravely serious. Great date night questions are in the middle - they’re fun and interesting to answer while also taking your relationship to new levels.

How do you know what good date night questions are? You look at the data.

It turns out the number one most popular question category in the Party Qs app is Date Night. Year after year, couples break out Party Qs on dates to start amazing conversations.

About our Data Night questions data

The Party Qs app has over 500,000 downloads around the world. Tens of thousands of people play Party Qs every month - favoriting, sharing, unlocking categories, and enjoying the 2,200 conversation starters on their Party Qs app.

Through the Party Qs app, we have data that shows which questions are asked most commonly in the Date Night category. We can look at data including question views, favorites, and shares to indicate the most popular Date Night questions in our app.

Without further adieu, enjoy the top Date Night questions from last year below.

The Top 16 Questions Asked During Dates in 2023

1. What always makes you feel loved?

This question lets you feel known and understood by someone, as it will reveal, if answered honestly, how a person receives love, a key characteristic of a successful relationship.

2. If you could do something dangerous just once with no risk what would you do?

People have different levels of risk tolerance. Some avoid it, some seek it out. This question removes the notion of risk and reveals where your date would put themselves out there, without the consequences.

3. Who do you love to spend time with and why?

If you’re dating someone, and it works out in the long run, you’re probably going to be spending a lot of time with this person. This question helps unpack more about who you and your date are looking for, in a roundabout way, by asking who they enjoy spending time with, and more importantly, why they enjoy that other person - hopefully, it’s someone you would enjoy spending time with, too.

4. If you could change one thing about how you grew up, what would it be?

How we grew up influences who we are today, but knowing what you would change about your upbringing demonstrates not only the fact that the person has examined and reflected on their formative years, but also developed a sense of self-awareness — a sign of maturity in a partner. Or, you might just learn about how crazy your person’s parents were LOL!

5. What is the worst pain you've ever experienced?

This question could either lead to a good story or a deep moment. Everyone has experienced pain. Pain shapes us. It’s good to get a sense of someone’s definition — and range — of how they perceive pain.

6. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Lighten the mood with this question, while also testing how self-aware your date is. Will he or she know what their warning label is? Do you know yours? Don’t think too seriously about this one — just have fun with it.

7. How do you fix a bad mood?

We all get tired. We all feel hungry. We all get bad moods from time to time. So what’s your go-to solution to feel better? Maybe you drink a glass of water. Maybe a nap. A walk. Coffee. This is a helpful relationship tool to know and discuss with your date.

8. What is something you never want to do again?

This question is all about a good story. About a time when you felt most afraid or uncomfortable in your life. Maybe it’s a roller coaster. Maybe it’s an ex-relationship. Maybe it’s an event or a vacation that went south.

9. Other than a family member, who has been the most important person in your life?

Similar to question #3, this conversation starter highlights another relationship you value and opens up more about what you look for in your relationships, It says “Other than a family member” because it’s too easy to pick a parent or a sibling.

10. What quality do you value most in friends?

The person you end up with is hopefully your best friend. A simple way to know if you are going to be good friends is to learn about your date’s friends — would they be your friends too? Chances are, if you share qualities with your date’s friends, you’ll be more compatible down the road.

11. What tradition would you most want to pass on to your children?

This lovely question tells you what a person values from their parents — it gives you a glimpse into the type of character a person has, whether they value something they grew up with enough to bring it forward into their own family.

12. Would you rather have an unlimited international first-class ticket or never have to pay for food at restaurants?

Traveling around the world in luxury or dining like kings and queens — what a fun choice to ponder for a moment. You’ll see if your person is more of a traveler or a restaurant-goer.

13. What's your favorite thing that we do together?

If this isn’t your first date, this is a good question to ask — it affirms your relationship and identifies a recurring time in which you enjoy each other and being together.

14. What is something you can't stand?

Everybody has their hot buttons — this question will help you know what not to do when you’re with your date. Try to share this one but do not dwell on it too long. We don’t recommend date nights as the time to get on a soap box and lambast.

15. What does your me-time look like?

Everyone likes their space, some need it more often than others. A twist: if your me-time is similar, meaning you both enjoy doing the same thing for your me-time, is it still me-time if you do it together? Perhaps that may be a good follow-up question.

16. If you could have a button in your life that did one thing every time you pressed it, what would it do?

If only, right? This question unveils a simple way to love the other person. It shows you what your date wants often if all the barriers could be removed. Nothing is that simple, but a little imagination goes a long way.

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PS. Unlock the Love Languages category in Party Qs if you’re interested in more topics like this.


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